Sunday, October 21, 2012

For Our Fort Hood HEROS! Please Sign

I'm sure many of you remember the shooting ON AMERICAN SOIL AT FORT HOOD, TEXAS! 

If you watch the news or even read it online or elsewhere you know that it has been classified as "Work Place Terror" Instead of 'Act Of Terror'..  In my opinion along with Many others we find this to be UN-TRUE! If you were there you know the Terror that was felt. I happened to be On-Post when it happened and was Stuck. No-One in or out, it was a very terrifying day. If you have any Patriotism I ask that you PLEASE GO Sign the Petition.... It takes literally Seconds out of your day. Lets Speak Out for the Brave Men and Women of Fort Hood!!   

Thank you!


Thursday, October 18, 2012

New Review (and possible Giveaway) Coming!

Just wanted to jump on real quick to let you know I am reviewing a product this week. I will have the Reveiw up next week. Hopefully the Company approves me for a  cool Giveaway!! :)

So stay tuned Happy Friday Eve...

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Cute Inexpensive Christmas Items!

Totsy has some ADORABLE Christmas stuff for sale right now! They did have some as low as $1!! I think those are all sold-out now though. :) 

Oh well! They still have Some Super Cute Items Available . 

Shipping is FREE for New members! When they place their first order within 30 days. 

Just click HERE to create your NEW Account! (NEW ACCOUNT = NEW EMAIL ADDRESS REGISTERED!!))  :) 

Let me know what good deals you find. :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fall Is Here

I have been a bad blogger and neglected you all! My summer was crazy busy as I was working a Full-Time job and taking care of the household. I know many many women do it and I give them many many kudos!  EEK! Its not for me. I have a hard enough time just keeping my house clean, laundry washed, put away, cooking and homeschooling! Working and being a Great Perfect Wife and Mom is just not cut out for me!

Anyway, I'm slowly finding my bearings around House Work, Homeschool and blogging, sweeping!!  Stay tuned as I try and keep it all together! :)